Event Materials
- PWBM: Tax Policy Simulator
- PWBM brief: Tax Policy Simulator
- PWBM brief: Setting Behavioral Responses in PWBM’s Dynamic Simulations
- Kent Smetters' slideshow: Analysis of Clinton and Trump Tax Plans
- Knowledge@Wharton: Whose Tax Plan Is Best?
- Ben Page's slideshow: How The Presidential Tax Proposals Could Affect Aggregate Demand, Output, and Revenue
- TPC report: An Analysis of Donald Trump's Revised Tax Plan
- TPC report: Updated Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Tax Proposals
- Speaker bios
As we near the 2016 elections, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have proposed changes to the US federal tax system. The Penn Wharton Budget Model and the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center have collaborated to analyze how the proposed changes of each candidate would affect the economy and the federal budget, using a new dynamic economic model that employs big data, cloud computing and visualization. Two experts will discuss each proposal and the sensitivity of estimates to the key assumptions.
Kent Smetters, Boettner professor, Business Economics and Public Policy Department, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Ben Page, senior fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
If you have any questions, please contact us at budgetmodel@wharton.upenn.edu