What do Elon Musk, Thomas Paine, and Richard Nixon have in common? All shared an interest in exploring a future where all were guaranteed an income to cover life's basic expenses. The idea of a Universal Basic Income is far from new, but many questions still remain surrounding its likelihood of becoming a reality. How would this work? Who would fund it? What would it cover? Is there really such a thing as a free lunch?
Join the Adam Smith Society as we host Penn's own Professors Kent Smetters and Ioana Marinescu for a dialogue on Universal Basic Income. Hear two leading researchers in the field present analysis on this headline grabbing topic and ask all of your burning questions in what is sure to be an enlightening discussion.
Kent Smetters is the Boettner Chair Professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and Faculty Director of The Penn Wharton Budget Model, and Professor Marinescu is an Assistant Professor inUniversity of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice and a Faculty Research Fellow at National Bureau of Economic Research.