The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:
Where are We Now and What Comes Next?
The symposium will examine the overhaul of the corporate and individual income tax systems undertaken by Congress at the end of 2017. Sessions will focus on the consequences of changes to the taxation of multinational enterprises, pass-through businesses, and individual taxpayers. Individual sessions will also address issues of tax planning and compliance, health care reform, and the impact on and responses of state and local governments.
The opening panel session, “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Tax System for the 21st Century?”, will provide a general overview of the recently enacted tax bill and consider the strengths and weaknesses of the Act from a variety of perspectives. Moderated by Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Center, our panelists include Lily Batchelder (NYU School of Law), William Gale (Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center), Michelle Hanlon (MIT), and Douglas Holtz-Eakin (American Action Forum).
Our luncheon speakers will be Thomas Barthold (Chief of Staff, Joint Committee on Taxation) and Richard Rubin (Wall Street Journal), who will address the process and the outcome of recent tax legislation.
The Symposium is presented in association with the American Tax Policy Institute.