
Tax Policy

Three-Month Federal Gas Tax Holiday: Estimated Cost Reductions to Households

We estimate that suspending the federal excise tax on gasoline from July to September this year would lower average gasoline spending per capita by between $4.79 and $14.31 over three months, depending on geographic location and modeling assumptions, and lower federal tax revenue by about $6 billion during that period.

Effects of a State Gasoline Tax Holiday

Effects of a State Gasoline Tax Holiday

We provide causal evidence that recent suspensions of state gasoline taxes in three states were mostly passed onto consumers at some point during the tax holiday in the form of lower gas prices: Maryland (72 percent of tax savings passed onto consumers), Georgia (58 percent to 65 percent) and Connecticut (71 percent to 87 percent). However, these price reductions were often not sustained during the entire holiday.

Why Taxpayers Owed $500 Billion in Taxes When They Filed This Year

Households owed more than $500 billion in taxes when they filed their returns this year, an increase of about $200 billion from immediately prior to the pandemic. The large tax liability owed at filing is mostly the result of a surge in capital gains and other income from financial assets in 2021.

President Biden’s FY2023 Budget Proposal: Budgetary and Economic Effects

President Biden’s FY2023 Budget Proposal: Budgetary and Economic Effects

We project that President Biden’s FY2023 Budget, taken as a whole, would reduce debt and grow the economy by 0.4 percent over time, with two major components of the Budget---"Build Back Better” and “New Provisions”---working in opposite directions.

Effects of a Federal Gas Tax Holiday

We estimate that suspending the federal gas tax from March to December 2022 would lower average gasoline spending per capita between $16 and $47, depending on geographic location and assumptions, but lower federal tax revenue by about $20 billion over that period.

Capital Gains Taxation and Deferral: Revenue Potential of Reform

Capital Gains Taxation and Deferral: Revenue Potential of Reform

This brief examines different approaches to removing the capital gains “lock-in effect” within a realization-based tax framework. We estimate that this change would produce between $115 billion and $357 billion in additional tax revenue over the next 10 years, depending on the exact design.

The Impact of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Inflation

The Impact of the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376) on Inflation

PWBM projects that the spending and taxes in the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), as written, would add up to 0.2 percentage points to inflation over the next two years and reduce inflation by similar amounts later in the decade. As an illustrative alternative, if temporary major spending provisions were made permanent, the bill would add up to a third of a percentage point to near-term inflation and have a negligible impact on inflation later in the decade.

H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act: Budget and Macroeconomic Effects

H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act: Budget and Macroeconomic Effects

PWBM estimates that H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, would increase spending by $2.1 trillion over the 10-year budget window while increasing revenue by $1.8 trillion, for a 10-year deficit of $274 billion. By 2050, the proposal would decrease GDP by 0.2 percent, relative to current law.

Senator Wyden’s Billionaires Income Tax: Budgetary Effects

Senator Wyden’s Billionaires Income Tax: Budgetary Effects

PWBM projects that Sen. Wyden’s billionaire income tax proposal would raise $507 billion over the budget window, more than half of which would come from a one-time transition tax on previously accrued, unrealized capital gains on publicly traded assets.

Macroeconomic Effects of the White House Build Back Better Budget Reconciliation Framework

Macroeconomic Effects of the White House Build Back Better Budget Reconciliation Framework

PWBM estimates that the White House’s Build Back Better reconciliation framework would increase spending by $1.87 trillion over the 10-year budget window and revenues by $1.56 trillion over the same period. By 2050, the proposal would increase federal debt by 2.0 percent and decrease GDP by 0.1 percent, relative to the current law baseline.

Expanding the Child Tax Credit: Budgetary, Distributional, and Incentive Effects

Expanding the Child Tax Credit: Budgetary, Distributional, and Incentive Effects

PWBM projects the House Ways and Means Committee proposal to temporarily extend the 2021 Child Tax Credit design would provide an average 2022 refundable tax cut of $2,785 to 78 percent of households with children at a budgetary cost of $545 billion over the 10-year budget window. Changes to phase-out and phase-in thresholds would reduce the budgetary cost but also reduce the size of the tax cuts.

Can Higher Inflation Help Offset the Effects of Larger Government Debt?

Can Higher Inflation Help Offset the Effects of Larger Government Debt?

Higher inflation reduces the real value of the government’s outstanding debt while increasing the tax burden on capital investment due to lack of inflation indexing. Increasing the current annual inflation target regime from 2 percent to 3 percent inflation reduces debt while lowering GDP.

Revenue and Profit Shifting for the U.S. in a Global Minimum Tax Agreement

Revenue and Profit Shifting for the U.S. in a Global Minimum Tax Agreement

PWBM estimates that tax policy changes in low-tax countries in response to the recent OECD global minimum tax deal could cost the U.S. as much as 50 percent of its minimum tax revenue.

Sens. Manchin and Schumer’s 2021 Senate Budget Reconciliation Agreement: Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects

Sens. Manchin and Schumer’s 2021 Senate Budget Reconciliation Agreement: Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects

PWBM projects that the long-run aggregate macroeconomic effects of Senator Joe Manchin's $1.5T reconciliation framework would be negligible. The economic benefits would largely accrue to younger, poorer households while the economic costs would fall mostly on richer households.

Incentives to Shift U.S. Multinational Profits to Foreign Countries under Tax Changes Proposed by House Ways and Means Committee

Incentives to Shift U.S. Multinational Profits to Foreign Countries under Tax Changes Proposed by House Ways and Means Committee

We project that recent tax reforms proposed by the House Ways and Means Committee would increase the incentive of U.S. firms to shift intangible investments and profits to foreign countries with a tax rate below 20.7 percent.

Statutory U.S. Corporate Tax Rates vs the OECD under Proposed Changes by House Ways and Means Committee

The House Ways and Means Committee reforms proposed as part of budget reconciliation would increase the U.S. statutory corporate income tax rate to 26.5 percent, bringing the combined federal and state rate to 30.9 percent, making the U.S. rate the third highest among OECD members.

Effective Tax Rates on U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Income under Proposed Changes by House Ways and Means and the OECD

Effective Tax Rates on U.S. Multinationals’ Foreign Income under Proposed Changes by House Ways and Means and the OECD

The House Ways and Means Committee reforms proposed as part of budget reconciliation would more than triple the U.S. tax rate on multinationals’ foreign income and produce a higher rate than a proposed global agreement currently being negotiated through the OECD.

Revenue Provisions in the House Ways and Means Reconciliation Bill: Budgetary Effects

Revenue Provisions in the House Ways and Means Reconciliation Bill: Budgetary Effects

PWBM projects that the revenue-raising provisions in the House Ways and Means Reconciliation Bill would raise roughly $2.4 trillion from 2022 to 2031.

The Macroeconomic Effects of the August 2021 Senate Budget Reconciliation Package

The Macroeconomic Effects of the August 2021 Senate Budget Reconciliation Package
  • Drafting a budget from the August 2021 Senate reconciliation framework that satisfies the Senate rules of reconciliation (“Byrd Rule”) will require a decrease in new outlays or a large increase in revenues (or both) after the standard 10-year budget window.

  • One such potential reduction in spending would allow the new non-healthcare related discretionary spending provisions to expire after 2031.

  • With this reduced spending in 2031, we project that the reconciliation package will decrease GDP by 4.0 percent in 2050. Without this spending decrease (and where the Byrd Rule is not satisfied), we project a 4.8 percent fall in GDP in 2050.

Budgetary Offsets for Democrats’ Reconciliation Package: Options

Budgetary Offsets for Democrats’ Reconciliation Package: Options

We analyze a combination of net revenue raisers consistent with the requirements released by the Senate Budget Committee on August 9th, 2021, for budget reconciliation.