Capital Gains Withholding — Penn Wharton Budget Model Top

Capital Gains Withholding

Summary: We estimate the budgetary effects of withholding unrealized capital gains from wealthy taxpayers. The proposal would treat death and charitable contributions as taxable realization events, and require taxpayers with net worth above a certain threshold to pre-pay taxes on their unrealized capital gains over ten years. We estimate the revenue effects under two tax rate regimes and several net worth thresholds. For more details on this proposal, refer to the working paper “Capital Gains Withholding” by Emmanuel Saez, Danny Yagan, and Gabriel Zucman.

Table 1. Conventional Revenue Estimates under Various Tax Rate and Net Worth Threshold Scenarios (Fiscal Years 2021 - 2030)

Billions of Dollars, Change from Current-Law Baseline

Threshold $5M $10M $20M $50M $100M $200M $500M $1B
Top rate: 39.6%
Budget window (FY receipts) $5,072 $4,267 $3,291 $2,233 $1,809 $1,432 $1,247 $925
2021 (CY liability) $539 $448 $341 $230 $179 $145 $117 $90
Number of withholding taxpayers (2021) 3,454,509 1,368,050 479,919 89,922 29,309 8,477 3,352 604
Top rate: 23.8%
Budget window (FY receipts) $4,765 $3,993 $3,122 $2,077 $1,674 $1,311 $1,144 $865
2021 (CY liability) $448 $372 $282 $189 $151 $120 $102 $79
Number of withholding taxpayers (2021) 3,779,297 1,580,600 535,674 107,239 35,593 10,012 3,554 627

Source: Penn Wharton Budget Model calculations