We previously defined a measure of effective openness of the U.S. economy to foreign investment flows. We found that, historically, when tariff rates increase, effective openness is lower. Here, we compare the relationship between effective openness and average interest rates on U.S. government bonds with 10-year maturities.1 Figure 1 displays effective openness and 10-year interest rates in each year.

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Treasury Constant Maturity Rate. Available at: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/115.
Demand for government debt assets by all market participants influences the market interest rate on that debt. All else equal, more demand increases the price of government debt, which is equivalent to a lower interest rate. We examine the relationship between foreign demand, measured as effective openness, and the interest rate.
We abstract from a number of features of the debt market, including the effect of secular changes in the supply of debt by U.S. fiscal policy and major interventions by the Federal Reserve in credit markets. For example, during the Quantitative Easing interventions by the Fed, the Fed aggressively purchased longer maturity assets from 2009-2014. Even after expanding its balance sheet, the Fed continued to rollover its assets until 2018, when it stopped purchasing new bonds as older issues matured.
The fitted line in Figure 1 shows the estimated relationship between effective openness and interest rates on 10-year Treasury debt:2
As the effective openness of the economy increases, interest rates decline. This correlation is consistent with the finding in Warnock and Warnock (2009) that foreign purchases of U.S. government bonds have a significant inverse relationship to long-term interest rates.3
While there appears to be a connection between 10-year rates and effective openness, the relationship between effective openness and short-term rates is less clear. If short-term rates are almost entirely set by policy, we expect effective openness to have little effect on them. In addition, we do not expect a strong relationship because foreign demand for long-term Treasury debt is usually higher than demand for short-term debt.4 Figure 2 displays effective openness and interest rate on 3-month U.S. Treasurys in each year. We find that effective openness and short-term interest rates do not appear to be related unless we exclude periods of easing5 (that is, lowering of the federal funds rate).

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Treasury Constant Maturity Rate. Available at: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/115.
Our basic empirical analysis of effective openness and federal debt interest rates shows that foreign asset demand has an inverse relationship with long-term interest rates. We previously found an inverse relationship between tariff rates and openness. Thus, in a trade-war scenario, we expect higher interest rates on federal debt, unless the Fed steps in. Higher interest payments on government debt would generate a worse outcome for the U.S. economy, and would, for example, increase the dynamic cost that we previously estimated for the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.”
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Treasury Constant Maturity Rate. Available at: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/115. ↩
Our nonlinear regression model takes the form of 1/x with an R-squared measure of 0.41. ↩
Warnock, F. and Warnock. V (2009), “International capital flows and U.S. interest rates,” Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 28, pp. 903-919. ↩
U.S. Department of the Treasury. U.S. liabilities to foreigners re U.S. Securities. Available at: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/tic/Pages/shlreports.aspx. ↩
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Effective Federal Funds Rate. Available at: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS. ↩
Year,Effective Openness,10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate 1977,14.882520,7.417631 1978,16.344530,8.408387 1979,8.789809,9.432943 1980,12.553840,11.433440 1981,16.193010,13.921370 1982,19.704980,13.005500 1983,16.120740,11.103000 1984,19.137510,12.458110 1985,20.501090,10.619800 1986,28.616640,7.672840 1987,28.889670,8.392680 1988,24.862590,8.848000 1989,21.790340,8.493720 1990,14.841640,8.552400 1991,11.100410,7.862440 1992,15.263670,7.008845 1993,22.465090,5.866280 1994,23.016010,7.085181 1995,31.036090,6.573920 1996,35.924610,6.443532 1997,44.068480,6.353960 1998,27.172660,5.262880 1999,44.060410,5.646135 2000,55.888970,6.030279 2001,41.533860,5.020686 2002,41.693580,4.613080 2003,42.058710,4.013880 2004,64.979290,4.271320 2005,47.567840,4.288880 2006,71.357430,4.795000 2007,68.243290,4.634661 2008,14.241000,3.664263 2009,11.295330,3.264120 2010,43.957350,3.215060 2011,29.346550,2.781640 2012,18.423290,1.803440 2013,30.182090,2.350160 2014,30.390370,2.539560 2015,13.559910,2.138287 2016,19.792030,1.837440 2017,38.488070,2.329480 2018,17.416940,2.911245
Year,Effective Openness,3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity Rate 1982,19.70498000,11.08992000 1983,16.12074000,8.95132000 1984,19.13751000,9.91855400 1985,20.50109000,7.72383100 1986,28.61664000,6.14636000 1987,28.88967000,5.96488000 1988,24.86259000,6.88592000 1989,21.79034000,8.39456000 1990,14.84164000,7.74648000 1991,11.10041000,5.53960000 1992,15.26367000,3.51434300 1993,22.46509000,3.06600000 1994,23.01601000,4.37249000 1995,31.03609000,5.66036000 1996,35.92461000,5.14559500 1997,44.06848000,5.20144000 1998,27.17266000,4.90696000 1999,44.06041000,4.77760900 2000,55.88897000,5.99992000 2001,41.53386000,3.47866900 2002,41.69358000,1.63532000 2003,42.05871000,1.02804000 2004,64.97929000,1.39872000 2005,47.56784000,3.21612000 2006,71.35743000,4.85156000 2007,68.24329000,4.48095600 2008,14.24100000,1.39685300 2009,11.29533000,0.15092000 2010,43.95735000,0.13844620 2011,29.34655000,0.05284000 2012,18.42329000,0.08760000 2013,30.18209000,0.05708000 2014,30.39037000,0.03272000 2015,13.55991000,0.05251000 2016,19.79203000,0.31936000 2017,38.48807000,0.94896000 2018,17.41694000,1.97168700