
White House Reconciliation Revenue Package

Summary: At 9AM this morning, the White House released a set of revenue options for budget reconciliation that the White House estimated to total $1,995 billion over 10 years (available here). PWBM's estimate of the same package is $1,527 billion, a difference of $468 billion.

Table 1. Preliminary estimated revenue effects of selected provisions, FY2022-2031

Billions of Dollars, Change from Current-Law Baseline

Provision White House Revenue Estimate PWBM Revenue Estimate PWBM Notes
15% percent minimum tax on book income 325 195 $1 billion threshold. NOLs, FTCs, GBCs allowed.
1% excise tax on share repurchases 125 50 Mergers and acquisitions are excluded similar to recent legislative language.
Modifications to GILTI 350 252* Country-by-country GILTI at rate of 15% to 18.8%, effective 2024. BEAT on undertaxed payments.
New surcharge on AGI 230 265 5% bracket above $10M, 8% bracket above $25M.
NIIT tax base harmonization above $400K 250 225
Extension of excess noncorporate losses limitation 170 175
Increase IRS funding by $80B over the next ten years 400 190 Adding $600 threshold bank reporting requirement, as described in the FY2022 budget, would increase estimate by roughly $300B.
"Rebate rule" repeal 145 175 Estimate will be lower if the rule is delayed separately in the BIF bill.
Total 1,995 1,527 Refinement of interactions will change total

Source: Penn Wharton Budget Model
Note: estimates are preliminary and are subject to revision upon further policy details and legislative language.
* Updated 10/28/2021 at 2pm to include modifications to the Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT).