
Tax Policy

Penn Wharton Budget Model’s Tax Policy Simulator

 Penn Wharton Budget Model’s Tax Policy Simulator
  • Penn Wharton Budget Model’s Tax Policy Simulator allows users to see the budgetary and economic impact of Hillary Clinton’s, Donald Trump’s and the House GOP’s tax plans. Users can vary the key economic behavioral assumptions, for a total of 512 combinations.
  • In the short run, Hillary Clinton’s tax plan dampens economic growth. However, in the long run her tax plan increases economic growth relative to current policy because her tax plan reduces federal debt relative to current policy.
  • In the short run, Donald Trump’s tax plan boosts economic growth. However, in the long run, his tax plan reduces economic growth compared to current policy because his tax plan increases federal debt relative to current policy.

Setting Behavioral Responses in PWBM’s Dynamic Simulations

Setting Behavioral Responses in PWBM’s Dynamic Simulations

  • A literature survey is provided for the key behavioral parameters in tax analysis: labor supply elasticity; saving elasticity and openness to international capital flows.
    • Tax changes affect after-tax wages. The labor supply elasticity parameter controls the simulator’s labor supply response to changes in after-tax wages.
    • Tax changes also affect net-of-tax interest, dividend, and capital gains. The saving elasticity parameter controls how much national saving increases in response to changes in after-tax asset returns.
    • The openness to international capital flows parameter controls the share of new issues of U.S. financial assets that foreign savers purchase. A larger share means greater insulation of domestic investment from variation in domestic saving.
  • However, enough uncertainty exists regarding these key parameters, and so the PWBM model allows the user to try different values.

Tax Benefits for College Attendance

Tax Benefits for College Attendance
  • Tax benefits for higher education make up 17 percent of federal aid for postsecondary students.

  • Families find it difficult to take advantage of tax benefits for higher education. About 14 percent of families do not take benefits for which they qualify. Evidence that tax benefits for higher education induce more students to go to school is weak.

  • The authors explore the potential impact of different simplification strategies, providing a roadmap for future empirical work.

Economic and Distributional Effects of Tax Expenditure Limits

Economic and Distributional Effects of Tax Expenditure Limits

  • Reforms to certain tax expenditures considered in this paper can increase tax revenue by as much as $366.3 billion in 2016, equal to almost half of the budget deficit. Smaller reforms produce less revenue.
  • The method of limiting certain tax expenditures, however, can have substantially different impacts on the distribution of taxes paid by income.

Tax Compliance and Enforcement: An Overview of New Research and Its Policy Implications

Tax Compliance and Enforcement: An Overview of New Research and Its Policy Implications
  • The government loses almost 14.5 percent of revenue due to noncompliance, enough money to substantially narrow or even eliminate the federal deficit.
  • Third-party reporting of income is effective at improving reporting of income. However, increased reporting of income from third parties does not necessarily lead to increased tax revenue. In addition, most studies indicate that an appeal to moral duty is not effective at improving reporting of income to tax authorities.
  • Instead, increasing the chances of audit is effective at reducing tax evasion.

Environmental Taxation

Environmental Taxation
  • A carbon tax is a cost-effective way to correct for environmental costs imposed by the production of the energy sector.
  • A carbon tax can produce substantial revenue that can be used to lower other taxes, reduce the deficit, or redistribute income.
  • A carbon tax would reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but by how much is uncertain.

Effects of Income Tax Changes on Economic Growth

Effects of Income Tax Changes on Economic Growth
  • Not all changes to tax policy have the same impact on growth. Studies indicate that tax cuts, if not well designed, could even reduce economic growth.
  • Tax cuts that target new economic activity, reduce distortions to capital accumulation, and are not deficit financed are more likely to lead to economic growth.